Katelynn's Report

Katelynn's Report

(US Market)


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Key Ratios

Key ratios table contains most recent as well as historical data reflecting both the financial condition and investment value of publicly traded companies. Financial ratios eligible for peer comparison also come with three quantile ranking values reflecting their corresponding rank at industry, sector, and the whole market level. The table is updated weekly (every Saturday) using the latest information available. The table is constructed as shown below

CREATE TABLE `mjdatacombs` (
`symbol` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`recdate` date NOT NULL,
`x52wk_high` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`x52wk_low` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`volume_average` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`volume` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`v2o` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`previous_close` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`beta` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`hcd` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`lcd` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`rps` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`eps` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`oeps` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`bps` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`pe` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`forward_pe` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`poe` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`peg` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`p2b` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`p2s` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`debt_equity_ratio` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`leverage_ratio` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`interest_coverage` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`gross_margin` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`net_profit_margin` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`income_growth` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`sales_growth` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`quick_ratio` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`current_ratio` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`return_on_assets` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`return_on_equity` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`return_on_capital` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`dividend_rate` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`payout_ratio` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`yield` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`institutional_ownership` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`one_year_target` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`shares_outstanding` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`equity` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`assets` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`quick_ratio_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`quick_ratio_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`quick_ratio_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`debt_equity_ratio_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`debt_equity_ratio_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`debt_equity_ratio_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`return_on_equity_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`return_on_equity_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`return_on_equity_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`return_on_assets_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`return_on_assets_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`return_on_assets_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`return_on_capital_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`return_on_capital_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`return_on_capital_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`net_profit_margin_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`net_profit_margin_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`net_profit_margin_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`gross_margin_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`gross_margin_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`gross_margin_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`income_growth_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`income_growth_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`income_growth_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`sales_growth_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`sales_growth_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`sales_growth_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`payout_ratio_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`payout_ratio_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`payout_ratio_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`p2b_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`p2b_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`p2b_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`pe_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`pe_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`pe_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`yield_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`yield_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`yield_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`forward_pe_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`forward_pe_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`forward_pe_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`hcd_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`hcd_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`hcd_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`lcd_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`lcd_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`lcd_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`peg_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`peg_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`peg_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`institutional_ownership_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`institutional_ownership_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`institutional_ownership_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`v2o_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`v2o_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`v2o_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`current_ratio_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`current_ratio_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`current_ratio_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`leverage_ratio_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`leverage_ratio_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`leverage_ratio_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`poe_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`poe_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`poe_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`interest_coverage_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`interest_coverage_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`interest_coverage_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`p2s_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`p2s_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`p2s_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`operating_margin` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`operating_margin_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`operating_margin_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`operating_margin_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`assets_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`assets_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`assets_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`equity_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`equity_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`equity_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`marketcap` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`marketcap_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`marketcap_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`marketcap_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`revenue` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`revenue_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`revenue_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`revenue_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`netincome` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`netincome_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`netincome_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`netincome_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`rsi` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`rsi_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`rsi_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`rsi_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`k_w_9_3_3` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`d_w_9_3_3` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`j_w_9_3_3` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`j_w_9_3_3_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`j_w_9_3_3_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`j_w_9_3_3_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`rsi_w_5` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`rsi_w_5_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`rsi_w_5_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`rsi_w_5_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`sma_w_20` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`sd_w_20` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`bbw_w_20_2` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`bbp_w_20_2` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`bbw_w_20_2_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`bbw_w_20_2_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`bbw_w_20_2_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`bbc_s1` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`bbc_s1_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`bbc_s1_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`bbc_s1_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`cfops` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`pcfo` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`pcfo_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`pcfo_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`pcfo_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`fcfps` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`pfcf` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`pfcf_idsqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`pfcf_secqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
`pfcf_allqt` decimal(17,7) DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `index_mjdatacombs_on_symbol_and_recdate` (`symbol`,`recdate`),
KEY `index_mjdatacombs_on_recdate` (`recdate`)

Field definition

symbol: The trading symbol of corresponding stock.

recdate: The date when the record was generated.

x52wk_high: The highest stock price during previous 52 weeks.

x52wk_low: The lowest stock price during previous 52 weeks.

volume_average: Average trading volume of 10 trailing trading days.

volume: Trading volume on the closest Friday.

v2o: Calculated by dividing average trading volume by overall shares outstanding.

previous_close: The price at market close on the closest Friday.

beta: Volatility of stock price. Beta larger than 1 indicates the stock is more volatile than the market, and tends to move up and down with the market.

hcd: Calculated through equation (52wk High - Current Price) / Current Price.

lcd: Calculated through equation (52wk Low - Current Price) / Current Price.

rsi: Weekly relative strength index of the last 14 weeks.

rsi_w_5: Weekly relative strength index of the last 5 weeks.

k_w_9_3_3: Weekly stochastic slow K of the last 9 weeks, smoothed over 3 periods.

d_w_9_3_3: Weekly stochastic slow D of the last 9 weeks.

j_w_9_3_3: Weekly stochastic slow J of the last 9 weeks.

rps: Trailing 12 months revenue per share.

eps: Earnings per share. Calculated by dividing trailing 12 months net income by shares outstanding.

oeps: Operating incomes per share. Calculated by dividing trailing 12 months operating income by shares outstanding.

bps: Book value per share. Calculated by dividing shareholder's equity by shares outstanding.

pe: Price to earnings ratio. Calculated by dividing price by trailing 12 months earnings per share.

forward_pe: Price to earnings ratio using forcasted earnings.

poe: Price to operating income ratio. Calculated by dividing price by trailing 12 months operating income per share.

peg: Price to earnings to growth ratio. Calculated by dividing price to earnings ratio by expected income growth.

p2b: Price to book value ratio. Calculated by dividing price by book value per share.

p2s: Price to sales ratio. Calculated by dividing price by trailing 12 months revenue per share.

debt_equity_ratio: Calculated by dividing total liabilities by shareholder's equity.

leverage_ratio: Calculated by dividing total assets by shareholder's equity.

interest_coverage: Calculated by dividing trailing 12 months EBIT by interest expense.

gross_margin: Calculated by dividing trailing 12 months gross profit by revenue * 100%. Gross profit is calculated as revenue minus cost of goods sold.

net_profit_margin: Calculated by dividing trailing 12 months net income by revenue * 100%.

income_growth: Net income growth of the latest quarter over same quarter last year * 100%.

sales_growth: Revenue growth of the latest quarter over same quarter last year * 100%.

quick_ratio: Calculated by dividing current assets less inventories by current liabilities.

current_ratio: Calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities.

return_on_assets: Calculated by dividing trailing 12 months net income by total assets * 100%.

return_on_equity: Calculated by dividing trailing 12 months net income by shareholder's equity * 100%.

dividend_rate: Trailing 12 months dividend per share.

payout_ratio: Calculated by dividing dividend rate by earnings per share * 100%.

yield: Calculated by dividing dividend rate by stock price per share * 100%.

institutional_ownership: The ratio of institutional holding shares amount to overall shares outstanding.

shares_outstanding: The overall shares outstanding (in million shares) documented as of recdate.

equity: Shareholder's equity ($1000 based).

assets: Total assets ($1000 based).

marketcap: Market capitalization ($1000 based) of the class of security.

revenue: Trailing 12 months sales revenue ($1000 based).

netincome: Trailing 12 months net income ($1000 based).

*_idsqt: Industry level quantile ranking score [0~1] of corresponding financial metric. Each metric was tuned independently so that higher score (i.e. closer to 1) represents better performance. Irrespective of whether the metric is the higher the better (e.g. "return_on_assets", "sales_growth"), or the lower the better (e.g. "pe", "p2b", "leverage_ratio","debt_equity_ratio").

*_secqt: Sector level quantile ranking score [0~1] of corresponding metric.

*_allqt: Market level quantile ranking score [0~1] of corresponding metric.

Balance Sheet

Balance sheet table contains financial data reported on balance sheet or equivalent (e.g. financial condition, financial position) of each XBRL filing. The information is extracted directly from XBRL-minisql. The currency units in balance sheet table are 1000 based. The table is constructed as shown below

CREATE TABLE `x_balancesheet` (
`symbol` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`cik` int(11) NOT NULL,
`period` date NOT NULL,
`fdate` date NOT NULL,
`currentassets` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`currentassetslessinventory` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`assets` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`currentliabilities` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`liabilities` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`shareholdersequity` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`shareholdersequityincludenoncontrol` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`liabilitiesandequity` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`shares_outstanding` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`otherequity` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`currency` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `index_cik_period` (`cik`,`period`),
KEY `index_cik` (`cik`),
KEY `index_symbol` (`symbol`),
KEY `index_period` (`period`),
KEY `index_fdate` (`fdate`)

Field definition

symbol: Name of the trading symbol as reported in the XBRL filing. Note that same symbol might be reported by different companies in the same reporting period. So the CIK should be used for unique identification of a company.

cik: Central Index Key reported in the XBRL filing.

period: Period of report. There are four reporting periods per year.

fdate: The XBRL filing date.

currentassets: Current assets of the reporting company. Current assets are the assets that can easily be converted to cash within one operating cycle.

currentassetslessinventory: Current assets minus inventory.

assets: Total assets of the reporting company. Total Assets = Current Assets + Noncurrent Assets.

currentliabilities: Current liabilities of the reporting company. Current liabilities are a company's debts or obligations that are due within one year.

liabilities: Total liabilities of the reporting company. Total Liabilities = Current Liabilities + Noncurrent Liabilities.

shareholdersequity: Shareholder's equity of the reporting company. Shareholder's Equity = Total Assets - Total Liabilities - Non-controlling Interest (i.e. minority interest) - Redeemable Equity.

shareholdersequityincludenoncontrol: Shareholder's equity plus non controlling interest.

otherequity: Temporary or redeemable equity (in 1000 shares).

liabilitiesandequity: Total liabilities and shareholder's equity include non-controlling interest. This field should be equal to "assets" field.

shares_outstanding: Overall shares outstanding (in 1000 shares) of the reporting company for the reporting period.

currency: The type of currency used in the report (e.g. USD, JPY, CAD).

Income Statement

The table contains financial data reported on income statement or equivalent (e.g. earning statement, operation statement) of each XBRL filing. The information is extracted directly from XBRL-minisql. The currency units in income statement table are 1000 based. The table is constructed as shown below

CREATE TABLE `x_income` (
`symbol` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`cik` int(11) NOT NULL,
`period` date NOT NULL,
`monthend` int(4) NOT NULL,
`fdate` date NOT NULL,
`revenue` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`costofsale` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`grossprofit` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`operatingexpenses` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`costsandexpenses` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`operatingincome` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`ebit` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`interestexpense` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`netincome` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`shares_outstanding` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`currency` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`sobasicanddiluted` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`epsbasicanddiluted` decimal(32,7) DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `index_cik_period_monthend` (`cik`,`period`,`monthend`),
KEY `index_cik` (`cik`),
KEY `index_symbol` (`symbol`),
KEY `index_period` (`period`),
KEY `index_monthend` (`monthend`),
KEY `index_fdate` (`fdate`)

Field definition

symbol: Name of the trading symbol as reported in the XBRL filing. Note that same symbol might be reported by different companies in the same reporting period. So the CIK should be used for unique identification of a company.

cik: Central Index Key reported in the XBRL filing.

period: Period of report. There are four reporting periods per year.

monthend: The record could be income statement for previous 3 or 12 months ended at the reporting period.

fdate: The XBRL filing date.

revenue: Total revenue.

costofsale: Cost of goods sold * -1.

grossprofit: Calculated by subtracting cost of goods sold from total revenue.

operatingexpenses: Operating expenses * -1.

costsandexpenses: Costs and expenses * -1.

operatingincome: Calculated by subtracting costs and expenses from total revenue.

ebit: Earnings before interest expenses and tax.

interestexpense: Interest expense * -1.

netincome: Self-explanatory.

shares_outstanding: Overall shares outstanding (in 1000 shares) of the reporting company for the reporting period.

sobasicanddiluted: Shares outstanding basic and diluted (in 1000 shares).

epsbasicanddiluted: Earnins per shares basic and diluted.

currency: The type of currency used in the report (e.g. USD, JPY, CAD).

Income Statement (Trailing 12 Months)

Similar to x_income table but for trailing 12 months data only

Statement of Cash Flow

The table contains financial data reported on statement of cashflow of each XBRL filing. The information is extracted directly from XBRL-minisql. The currency units in cash flow table are 1000 USD. The table is constructed as shown below

CREATE TABLE `x_cashflow` (
`symbol` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`cik` int(11) NOT NULL,
`period` date NOT NULL,
`monthend` int(4) NOT NULL,
`fdate` date NOT NULL,
`investing` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`financing` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`operating` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`excheffect` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`cashchange` decimal(30,5) DEFAULT NULL,
`currency` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `index_cik_period` (`cik`,`period`),
KEY `index_cik` (`cik`),
KEY `index_symbol` (`symbol`),
KEY `index_period` (`period`),
KEY `index_monthend` (`monthend`),
KEY `index_fdate` (`fdate`)

Field definition

symbol: Name of the trading symbol as reported in the XBRL filing. Note that same symbol might be reported by different companies in the same reporting period. So the CIK should be used for unique identification of a company.

cik: Central Index Key reported in the XBRL filing.

period: Period of report. There are four reporting periods per year.

monthend: The record could be income statement for previous 3, 6, 9, or 12 months ended at the reporting period.

fdate: The XBRL filing date.

investing: Cash provided by or used in investing activities.

financing: Cash provided by or used in financing activities.

operating: Cash provided by or used in operating activities.

excheffect: Effect of exchange rate on cash.

cashchange: Cash period increase/decrease.

currency: The type of currency used in the report (e.g. USD, JPY, CAD).

Shares outstanding history

The table contains shares outstanding history of companies publicly traded on the US market. The table is constructed as shown below

`symbol` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`stdsymbol` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`cik` int(11) NOT NULL,
`period` date NOT NULL,
`shares_outstanding` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`metadata` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`secclass` varchar(30) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `index_cik_period_metadata` (`cik`,`period`,`metadata`),
KEY `index_symbol` (`symbol`),
KEY `index_stdsymbol` (`stdsymbol`),
KEY `index_cik` (`cik`),
KEY `index_period` (`period`)

Field definition

symbol: Name of the trading symbol as reported in the XBRL filing.

stdsymbol: Name of the trading symbol for specific class of security.

cik: Central index key as reported in the XBRL filing.

period: The reporting period.

shares_outstanding: The amount of shares outstanding (x1).

metadata: Description about the record.

secclass: Class of the security.

Stock split history

The table contains both forward (many for 1) and reverse (1 for many) stock split history of companies publicly traded on the US market. The table is constructed as shown below

CREATE TABLE `splits` (
`symbol` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
`recdate` date NOT NULL,
`direction` smallint(1) NOT NULL,
`times` decimal(17,7) NOT NULL,
`sto` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`sfrom` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `index_splits_on_symbol_and_recdate` (`symbol`,`recdate`),
KEY `index_splits_on_recdate` (`recdate`)

Field definition

symbol: Name of the trading symbol as reported in the XBRL filing.

recdate: Date of the closest saturday after a split takes effect.

direction: Either 0 or 1. 0 for reverse split (1 for many). 1 for forward split (many for 1).

times: E.g. a value equals to 2 means the stock has either 1 for 2, or 2 for 1 split. The direction of split is determined by "direction" field.