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Issuer Name: BlackRock TCP Capital Corp. State/Country: CALIFORNIA IPO: 2012 CIK: 1370755
Industry: investor finance services Sector: finance Fiscal Year End: Dec 31

Institutional Sentiment ?


C: 67 / 66
S: 2.73 M / 2.36 M


C: 63 / 64
S: 2.12 M / 2.35 M
Holding Shares: 18.15 Mil (Pct:21.0% 3M:-20.99% 1Yr:-1.99%) Institutions reported:? 145/140 (Acq:46% Dis:31% Res:22% Sold out:14%) SC 13g/13d:? 3M:0(mktqtl:0.0) 6M:0(mktqtl:0.0)
Industry Quantile: 56.0% (3M:-43.99% 1Yr:16.0%) Sector Quantile: 23.0% (3M:-16.99% 1Yr:-1.99%) Market Quantile: 26.0% (3M:-11.99% 1Yr:-0.99%)

(13F reporting period:2024-09-30    Data last updated 2024-11-30 06:14:28 -0600 US CDT

Notes: Data summarized from Form 13F/13G/13D reports filed to the SEC.
Data is updated daily between 5am and 7am CDT (except holidays).
Corrections were automatically applied to holding values where per share price obviously deviates from market median.

Institutional Sentiment ?


C: 0 / 1
S: 0 / 44300


C: 1 / 1
S: 44300 / 180000
Holding Shares: - (Pct:-% 3M:-% 1Yr:-%) Institutions reported:? 1/2 (Acq:0% Dis:0% Res:100% Sold out:100%) SC 13g/13d:? NA
Industry Quantile: -% (3M:-% 1Yr:-%) Sector Quantile: -% (3M:-% 1Yr:-%) Market Quantile: -% (3M:-% 1Yr:-%)

(13F reporting period:2024-03-31    Data last updated 2024-11-30 06:14:28 -0600 US CDT

Notes: Data summarized from Form 13F/13G/13D reports filed to the SEC.
Data is updated daily between 5am and 7am CDT (except holidays).
Corrections were automatically applied to holding values where per share price obviously deviates from market median.

Details of Holding Changes & Schedule 13G/D Filings

COMMON STOCK    CSV download    

Filing Date Institution Operationa Reporting Period(last) Shares(last) Reporting Period Shares Value$1000 USD Holding Change%b Portfolio%c
2024-11-25 WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB Acquire 2024-09-30 27000 224 100.0% 0.0%
2024-11-15 KOVITZ INVESTMENT GROUP PARTNERS, LLC Dispose 2024-06-30 377944 2024-09-30 344663 2857 -8.8% 0.01%
2024-11-15 EP WEALTH ADVISORS, LLC Acquire 2024-09-30 63488 526 100.0% 0.0%
2024-11-15 Y-INTERCEPT Acquire 2024-06-30 24480 2024-09-30 71075 589 190.34% 0.0%
2024-11-15 JANE STREET GROUP, LLC Acquire 2024-09-30 36457 302 100.0% %
2024-11-14 ROCKEFELLER CAPITAL MANAGEMENT L.P. Dispose 2024-06-30 175683 2024-09-30 163158 1353 -7.12% 0.0%
2024-11-14 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Dispose 2024-06-30 79881 2024-09-30 62164 515 -22.17% %
2024-11-14 CAXTON ASSOCIATES LP Dispose 2024-06-30 38532 2024-09-30 25380 210 -34.12% 0.0%
2024-11-14 BANK OF AMERICA CORP /DE/ Dispose 2024-06-30 366195 2024-09-30 229899 1906 -37.21% %
2024-11-14 CAPTRUST FINANCIAL ADVISORS Dispose 2024-06-30 133191 2024-09-30 124018 1028 -6.88% 0.0%
2024-11-14 PALOMA PARTNERS MANAGEMENT CO Acquire 2024-03-31 34213 2024-09-30 73294 608 114.23% 0.0%
2024-11-14 CERCANO MANAGEMENT LLC Restatement 2024-06-30 148400 2024-09-30 148400 1230 0.0% 0.0%
2024-11-14 TWO SIGMA ADVISERS, LP Acquire 2024-06-30 1030717 2024-09-30 1117817 9267 8.45% 0.0%
2024-11-14 TWO SIGMA INVESTMENTS, LP Acquire 2024-06-30 707614 2024-09-30 955536 7921 35.04% 0.0%
2024-11-14 MORGAN STANLEY Dispose 2024-06-30 990260 2024-09-30 888554 7366 -10.26% 0.0%
2024-11-14 LEGAL & GENERAL GROUP PLC Dispose 2024-06-30 686476 2024-09-30 611010 5068 -10.98% 0.0%
2024-11-14 AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL INC Dispose 2024-06-30 25588 2024-09-30 24562 203 -4.0% %
2024-11-14 SUSQUEHANNA INTERNATIONAL GROUP, LLP Acquire 2024-06-30 78594 2024-09-30 88368 733 12.44% %
2024-11-14 VIRTUS ETF ADVISERS LLC Acquire 2024-06-30 100804 2024-09-30 111494 924 10.6% 0.01%
2024-11-14 STIFEL FINANCIAL CORP Dispose 2024-06-30 59709 2024-09-30 59458 493 -0.41% 0.0%
2024-11-14 LIDO ADVISORS, LLC Acquire 2024-06-30 30903 2024-09-30 39046 324 26.35% 0.0%
2024-11-14 UBS GROUP AG Dispose 2024-06-30 492671 2024-09-30 475155 3940 -3.55% 0.0%
2024-11-14 SCHONFELD STRATEGIC ADVISORS LLC Acquire 2024-09-30 86400 716 100.0% 0.0%
2024-11-14 QUBE RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGIES LTD Acquire 2024-09-30 47796 396 100.0% %
2024-11-14 CENTIVA CAPITAL, LP Acquire 2024-09-30 31168 258 100.0% 0.0%
2024-11-14 PARALLAX VOLATILITY ADVISERS, L.P. Restatement 2024-06-30 25000 2024-09-30 25000 207 0.0% %
2024-11-14 ARES MANAGEMENT LLC Dispose 2024-06-30 449150 2024-09-30 169789 1408 -62.19% 0.0%
2024-11-14 ALPINE GLOBAL MANAGEMENT, LLC Acquire 2024-09-30 29200 242 100.0% 0.0%
2024-11-14 CITADEL ADVISORS LLC Dispose 2024-06-30 51404 2024-09-30 21200 176 -58.75% %
2024-11-13 BLACKROCK, INC. Acquire 2024-09-30 185188 1535 100.0% %

aHolding share amount reported in current period compare to previous period (or compare to the same period if it is an amendment filing). Values can be "Acquire", "Dispose", "Restatement", "Restatement(+)","Restatement(-)". "Restatement(+)/(-)" stands for modification (increase/decrease) to the same period that has been reported before.
b(Current Holding shares - Last or same period holding shares) / Last or same period holding shares x 100%. The value is 100% for records without last period of holding.
cThe percentage of holding value relative to portfolio total.
Note: values subject to change as new filings become available.

no 13G/13D transaction record found for security COMMON STOCK

aDate of event which requires filing of this statement.
bThe number of entities that have exactly the same sole/shared voting/disposition power in the same 13G form.
cThe closest 13F filing period on or before the required date.
dThe holding shares reported in the closest 13F filing period on or before the required date.
eThe aggregated amount of shares reported in the 13G filing compare to the holding shares reported in the closest 13F filing (if any).
Note: The latest 13F holding shares and operation (as explained in superscript d and e, respectively) are for reference only, and subject to changes as new 13F filings become available. For a single 13G filing, only the largest aggregated amount is compared with 13F holding shares, others records (if any) are not compared and shown as short dash "-". When no 13F holding records were found, lastest 13F period/holding columns are blank.

Show up to 30 records per table for current tier. Download CSV to view up to 3000 records (Tier 1 and above. Access Guide)